My Tree Fetish

I’ve written before about how much I love trees.  Here are a list of some of my tree posts, in case you want verification ;):

I’m not sure why trees are so important to me, both as a person and as a writer.   I know I’m not the only one because when I brought up this subject in the past on this blog, I found that there are many other bloggers who feel as I do about trees.

For some reason I feel they are akin (a kin) to us, just as I feel about animals.  There is a spirit in each tree.

Many years ago a friend gave me a beautiful book by Rabindranath Tagore called Fireflies.  This is a quote from the book:

“Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.”

One tree I can’t get enough of is the Jacaranda, which is found in many countries around the world.

These trees are also all over Los Angeles.  I was just there, and the trees were gloriously deep lavender at this time of year.

Although Pretoria, South Africa, is known as The Jacaranda City, Los Angeles bloomed intensely purple this visit.

These are the trees bordering the parking lot at The Huntington Library.

Underneath the trees, a purple carpet of blossoms coated the pavement and the cars.

Each blossom is itself a little beauty.

A blossom on my car

A blossom on my car

These photos don’t do justice to the way my blood vessels open wider when I look at a row of Jacarandas. Who needs a quarter aspirin a day if they have Jacaranda trees out their window?


Filed under Creative Nonfiction, Memoir, Photographs

29 responses to “My Tree Fetish

  1. Saw lots of Jacarandas this week. Somehow I knew their name. I mean I remembered the name but didn’t remember ever having learned it. Anyway, they are GORGEOUS. Now falling under the spell of jasmine.

    I enjoyed your post. Great quote from Tagore.

    • lucewriter

      I’m so glad you were able to see lots of this incredibly beautiful purple. It’s amazing. Oh, jasmine is glorious, too. Earth is so lovely!

  2. Enjoyed your post. I feel the same way about trees, like they are kindred spirits. We used to have Jacarandas growing in our yard at a house long ago–so beautiful. Then birches became my favorite, the way the leaves shimmer in the sun and wind. Now I’m surrounded by oaks and I love their twisted, heavy limbs, the many shapes they can take. They seem like “old souls.” I’ll check out you past posts on trees too. Love the quote.

    • lucewriter

      Yes, old souls–that’s how I used to feel about the elms and oaks when I was a kid! And was heart-broken when the elms died. Sycamores are beautiful trees, too.

  3. Luanne, great post! I love trees. I have 2 corkscrew willow trees in my back yard…..Jillxo

  4. I have mixed feelings about trees this week – roots caused our sewer line to back up into the basement! But I love them, too and it always amazes me that I live in a metro suburban area surrounded by trees. It’s really marvelous – the sound of the wind through them is one of the most calming sounds ever.

  5. I’ve never seen a Jacaranda before. They are absolutely beautiful!

  6. You have been nominated for the Hug Award! Congratulations! Jill

    • Luanne

      Jill, thank you so much! You are so sweet and deserving of the awards yourself!!!
      I hope you’re feeling better . . . . I was busy yesterday because Monday’s post got Freshly Pressed :). But I need daily updates from you. You turned off your comments?

      • Inturned off comments? I wasn’t aware I did. I started using the mobile version on my tablet and regular version on laptop. Maybe I hit something I shouldn’t have. I’ll see if I can fix that.

        Congrats on freshly pressed! Way to go! I’ll write one of those eventually.

        I saw the radiation and medical oncologist yesterday. More bloodwork to see if I need chemo or just the pill, and will be fitted for the cage to keep me still for radiation in a few weeks. They are giving me time to heal before starting anything else. I actually get a little break between the processes. I do not know how to act. Jillxo PS I promise to keep you updated!

        • Luanne

          I’m glad you get a little break, Jill. What an ordeal. After your previous ordeals. I’m so sorry for what you are going through. My prayers will continue to be with you throughout it all.
          Maybe I’m wrong about your comments, but the last few posts I couldn’t find the place to leave comments so was just “liking”!

  7. Am I allowed to say something negative? I don’t know if only praise is allowed. Anyway, I’ll temper one with the other. I liked your post on science.

    However, I didn’t like this post, the reason being that I never quite believe people who go on too much about how much they love nature. It isn’t that I don’t believe some people love nature. I’m sure they do. It’s just that I think they love it quietly, without really thinking much about it or how it makes them feel. The people who go on about it make me suspicious that this isn’t about nature at all but about themselves.

    I also thought the quote from that bloke with the Indian name who I’ve never heard of was toe-curlingly syrupy. Robert Frost, a real poet and real nature-lover, would have hated it.

    But I liked your science post.

    • Luanne

      Thanks for your honesty. Rabindranath Tagore was the first non-Westerner to win the Nobel prize for literature. I’m sorry you’ve never heard of him or read him! I also love Frost and studied him in-depth in grad school. There are connections between the works of the two poets, and they did know each other. It would be interesting to investigate that further. I’m sorry you felt that writing about trees is writing about oneself and were irritated by that, but then isn’t all writing?

  8. I love nature and especially notice clouds and trees. They do remind me of Heaven! I also have a post that is written about a “Cardinal Send Special Messages.” I believe, in a strange and mystical Native American way, that I had a message given to me on the day my Grandfather (Swedish not an Indian!) died! Take care and thanks for your messages. I will enjoy following you!

    • Hahaha, I just found this comment written FIVE YEARS AGO, Robin. My, we have been friends for a long time! I have been looking through some old posts looking for one to reblog on Monday because of the holiday and discovered your comment! XOXO Hope you get some time off this weekend!

  9. Lovely! I will be writing about some of my beloved tree books one day soon (I hope)…there are so many vintage kids books that revolve around books, and that’s no coincidence. Kids see the beauty and the function in them. And I think that it’s important for adults to notice trees…talk about trees…honour trees. Keeps us connected. I will look for the book Fireflies.

    • Well, I discovered this five years after you wrote it. SOOO sorry! But better late than never. I think in the past five years adults are starting to pay more attention to trees! Maybe the influence of children?!

  10. Like a previous commenter, I am a fan of trees and clouds. (My mother was, too.) The principles of city and town planning should include these two rules, high on the list: Trees should be taller than buildings. There should be more trees than buildings.

  11. Pingback: When Trees Cry… | New Heaven on Earth!

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