What Gave and Took from My Energy Supply Last Week?

The high point was Saturday when I attended the Barrelhouse writers’ conference, Conversations and Connections, via Zoom. I attended sessions by Tommy Dean (micros), Randon Billings Noble (lyric essays), and Claudia Gary (villanelles). It was a comfy way for me to attend a conference. Even so, I get a little overstimulated. Plus, I had to feed the cats their very complicated breakfast during the micro segment, so I couldn’t do the writing. I learned some interesting stuff, and if I ever get a clear head again I plan to make use. If they offer the conference online again, I highly recommend it. The cost was not high, and we get a couple of free books.

Also this week, I did the following:

  • worked (from home)–the usual crap–no more, no less
  • cleaned the living room and my daughter’s old bedroom (even got rid of stuff nobody is going to want)
  • was frustrated because of the pandemic and because I am tired and don’t feel so great (Valley Fever)
  • was in pain, particularly my arm and shoulder
  • wrote a review of Beth Ruscio’s poetry collection Speaking Parts for Main Street Rag
  • played with my art journal
  • worked on the beginning of the new draft of the memoir
  • got frustrated working on the beginning of the new draft of the memoir
  • cleaned up cat puke from several cats and wet litter dragged through the house by my old girl, Pear
  • groomed Pear every day and worried about her
  • was annoyed by the gardener worrying about the covid variants and the vaccines (he’s an overthinker)
  • was annoyed by an identity theft issue and the stupid bank it occurred at
  • attended a telehealth appointment and made more medical appointments
  • talked to my mother less than usual, but was glad to hear she got her second vaccine dose (I also owe phone calls to two relatives and a text to my brother–I can’t seem to want to communicate with people lately–maybe that’s why Perry chatted with you last week hahaha)

Almost everything this week, other than the conference and the art journal were energy sucks. I can’t stress enough how therapeutic the art journaling is for me (you too?). I know I suck, but I am learning techniques. I have to remember that I am starting from absolutely ground level.

Looking forward to an energy sprouting week ahead. Who’s with me?!!!!






Filed under #amrevising, #amwriting, #AmWriting, #writerlife, #writerslife, Art and Music, Cats and Other Animals, Memoir, Writers Conference

71 responses to “What Gave and Took from My Energy Supply Last Week?

  1. I love it that you’re moving forward and being creative in spite of several challenges!

    • Thank you, Joy! The creative stuff is a blessing. I keep teaching myself new art tricks with the help of the internet. Coffee painting yesterday. Laying down gesso before anything today. Tomorrow or Thursday transfer images. Of course this means I am buying art supplies lol.

  2. I just want to say one thing, and that is…

    You’re doing great.

    The only thing you need to achieve right now, is the things that already makes you happy.

    Even if what that looks like, is your art journal.

    Everything else can be done in a timely manner (if it has some sort of deadline) but other than that…

    Again I say, the only thing you have to achieve right now that is urgent, is your art journal. 🤍

  3. Here’s to an energy-sprouting week for all of us!!

  4. I’d love an energy sprout! Put my name on that list! Sounds like your dance card was full. That in itself is an energy suck. Worrying about anything takes as much or more energy than doing intensive physical work.

  5. It sounds like you did a lot more than you think, but I’m sorry you’re still not feeling well. I think the whole pandemic thing has caused a sort of malaise. I do lots of “stuff,” but I can’t seem to actually focus on work assignments.

    Hope you and cats feel better. Younger daughter has a cat who is not old, but has a terminal condition, and dogs that always seem to have health issues. The worry over sick pets is a big energy drain, but how can it be otherwise when you love them?

  6. I’m with you! Sounds like a fabulous week. Don’t forget to rest. And keep at the art. I think play is so beneficial to our health. I’ve been going through stuff (lots!) in the attic, garage, and closets and I think that’s mentally draining. I’m sentimental and sensitive, so it takes a toll on me to tunnel through the detritus of the past. Have a good week! ❤️

  7. Sometimes, about twice a week lately, I remind myself of the Shrek movie where Eddie Murphy was the voice for the donkey. My favorite most useful quote these days: “I’m just a donkey on the edge!”
    We are all struggling, but I am so sorry for your lingering illness. So debilitating. But I know you will get better!
    The gardener and I are worry warts.
    Hang in, my friend.

  8. It sounds like a busy week, which doesn’t help either! Hoping this one is more energy-boosting!

  9. That’s a lot going on. You get a remarkable amount of work done despite VF and arm/shoulded pain. Your writers’ conference sounded stimulating! You keep fighting the good fight for your kitties. I hope you feel better soon. 🌺

  10. I vote for an energy week as well, Luanne. I’ll keep you in mind and send energy boosters your way. 😁

  11. You continue to amaze me. If I had such a productive week, I would give myself a gold star! Hard to worry about Pear, I know. :/ Sending love and hugs.

  12. I’m bribing myself to do things these days. Your Valley Fever will leave you drained for a long time so it’s probably best to give in and rest as often as humanly possible. The fact you are doing anything is probably pushing it. I give in a lot to my body as it screams for me to take it easier. Brain fog is hard to manage. You have my vote to take it easier. You’ll make up for it later.

    • Yes, I did push myself too much last week. Then I paid for it. I try to bribe myself with the art journal and cat snuggles, but BBQ chips help, too. Hugs to you, Marlene.

  13. That seems like a very stressful week. Naps, naps are key. Hugs.

  14. I’m so glad to hear you attended that conference – that’s a sure sign you are working toward the life you want to have. 🙂
    And journals are where we all go *specifically* to suck (and whine), whether it’s writing or visual art – am I right? 😉

  15. You got a lot more done than I would have under the same circumstances 😉 And Pear … well, that’s just a heartbreaker. It’s so hard not to worry. Maxine is probably 17 or so now and she’s really starting to look old. I think her arthritis is bothering her more. She definitely doesn’t care for Raji, but she’s a tuxedo so she doesn’t care for anyone other than her staff (me and Greg). As far as an energy sprouting week, I’ll live vicariously through you until I’m retire. Then let the sprouting begin!

    • You are getting so much closer. Almost there! Pear is also a tuxedo. She is very independent of the other cats than most cats, but completely devoted to me. She has growths on her paw, and the vet said she’s too old to biopsy them. 😿

      • Oh, dear. The growths might just be an old age thing. Our first cat developed growths in his ears, and Maxine has similar growths now. I need to clean her ears occasionally because of them. Give our love to Pear!

  16. Luanne, I’m sorry about your week not being the best (typical english understatment!). It’s not easy to avoid people or events that consume our energy and especially our creative ones. It’s good the art journal helps and you make it look so welcoming from the photo! The conference sounds stimulating and it must have been exciting to take part in something so different from the norm. Wishing you a lovely rest of the week! x

    • Thank you, Annika. I hope your weekend has been wonderful. I had a much better week or at least positive outweighed the negative! Sending you wishes for a peaceful and productive week ahead.

  17. Amy

    Just reading about your week gave me an anxiety attack! I hope the coming week is less stressful.

  18. You have a lot on your plate, Luanne, on top of recovering from Valley Fever. Wishing you the best, and a less stressful time ahead.

    • Thank you so much! This week was much better. I am awaiting the results of my valley fever tests to see how it works all these months out from the initial illness. you have a great week ahead of you, Lavinia.

  19. Sorry to hear you’re in the middle of such a very tough time, Luanne – and any difficulty is made so much worse right now… I’m glad you are finding your creative projects are helping – I know I gain so much solace from my own writing. I hope the coming weeks are a lot kinder to you!

    • Yes, the pandemic magnifies everything. I did have a better week though. I am so glad to hear your writing helps you in these times. I think the art journal helps me because I have no pressure on myself over it, it’s something with the hands, and it’s not at the [durn] computer. XO

  20. I hear you. Sometimes I think we are too critical of ourselves though. Sending hugs, and yes, more energy, more joy.

  21. Oh. That’s intense. I’m wishing you a better, breezier week.
    Here, it will be a grind, a long work week, even the holiday, the office understaffed too, driving through the snow, in single digit temps. Not too keen already. Home feels especially nice tonight! 🙂

  22. My list for the week might read “scanned lots of articles.” I think I could write War and Peace in the time I waste “reading” articles…So your list sounds very active to me. I’m sorry the pain remains and appreciate your blogging straight through it.

  23. Catching up: I found it hard to concentrate on your points after reading “complicated breakfast.” What is so complicated about feeding kitties their breakfast, I wondered. Does one need gluten-free, another is diabetic, another only eats vegan…?
    Wait, I did catch that you had pains plus other lousy symptoms from your VF. Sad for you, and hope you feel better now! xoxo

    • Thanks, Ellie! LOL. Well, Pear has to have her Dasuquin put in Churu tube snack first before she gets her food which is food nobody else eats and the only food she will eat. Sloopy Anne and Kana get prescription food, and they have to be locked into separate rooms to eat because otherwise they will sneak out and eat somebody else’s food. Should I continue? Ugh. Six of them.

      • Geez, it’s like having sextuplets with all different diets- I mean it IS all that! Ay yi! I don’t envy you. On the other hand, that’s a lotta nice purring…

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