Uncatitional Love, Award-Winning Story at Writer Advice

My 100-word story, “Uncatitional Love,” was one of nine winners at the Writer Advice Flash Micro Contest. I won $30, which is quite extraordinary!

This story was inspired by all the cats who have ever been part of my life. My story is listed first of the nine when you go into the link, but enjoy some of the others while you’re in there. Image is from Pexels, not one of my cats.


I’ve been very migrainatious for the past week or more, so I didn’t participate in #TankaTuesday last week. Not sure if I will this week or not as it depends how I am feeling. So we will see . . . .


Filed under #amwriting, #writingcommunity, Cats and Other Animals, Fiction, Flash Fiction, Literary Journals, Publishing, Writing, Writing contest

56 responses to “Uncatitional Love, Award-Winning Story at Writer Advice

  1. Amy

    I commented on Facebook first—love the story. And sorry about the migraines… 🙁

  2. Congratulations, Luanne. $30.00? Man nice job.

  3. Just cater-ful! (I’m just now devouring “The Art of Brevity.”) May your migraines subside soon. . .

  4. Hurray for the fun win. Boo, go away migraine!

  5. Congratulations on your win, and hope the migraine relieves soon. I read the rest of the stories – what an eclectic mix!

  6. Congratulations on your winning story, Luanne! I hope your migraines soon depart. They are the pits.

  7. Fine job! Well done to you.

  8. The story is lovely! So real and typically catty. Well done <3 I did enjoy reading the other stories too but yours is best 😀
    I am so sorry about the migraine. I must whisper this in case I jinx it but… I haven't had a migraine since the end of October when I began taking high blood pressure tablets. I cannot think what the connection is but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

  9. Ahw I read yours. Typical cat.😂

  10. Sorry about your migraine. I know how terrible they can be. But big congrats on the win. That’s a real feather in your “cat.”

  11. Big congrats, Luanne!

  12. Great story, but what we all want to know is … what will you buy first with those $30!!!

  13. Congratulations to be the #1 winner, Luanne! Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well! Please take your time to rest. We’ll see you soon. <3

  14. Congratulations, Luanne. Those last two short sentences are so telling 🙂 May your migraine desist soon

  15. Congrats! I love it. Nothing special like the love of a cat! They are quite particular.

  16. Love the story. Congratulations, Luanne. I hope you feel better soon! 💙

  17. Wilma Jean Kahn

    I love it! So true, so beautifully revealed. 😺

  18. Love the story!!! I hope you feel better soon! 🙂

  19. The story is perfect, Luanne! Congratulations on another well deserved recognition!!
    So sorry about your migraine – T used to have them in the past, but (knock on wood) hasn’t had one lately!
    Please take care of yourself – sounds like too much stress! Hope it’s not from grandbaby!!

    • Thank you, Sheila. Oh, I hope she never gets another! Yeah stress and overdoing it and the weather. I had this happen a few springs ago. Just ugh.

  20. Sorry to hear about the migraines. Hope you’re better now. Enjoyed the story and a few of the others. Yours the best, of course!

  21. Congratulations Luanne, just when I was thinking that cat was far too forgiving, you showed me 🙂

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