Imayo for Rikka: #TankaTuesday

Colleen at #TankaTuesday suggested writing a syllabic poem for Part I, The Beginning of Summer, (May 5 – 19) Rikka 立夏. I tried an imayo.

Summer begins brilliant blue; sometimes clouds frame it

but mostly fresh greenery—saguaro seeks bliss

closer to heaven than earth, offering rare


as palo verdes erupt, showering sunshine

The hole in the saguaro is the entry to an occupied bird nest.

These palo verde blossoms end up all over the ground.

The duck in my pool yesterday.

Thanks to Christal Rice Cooper and Donna Biffar for editing an exciting poetry anthology. Volume 2 of The Power of the Feminine I is now available. Both volumes are jampacked with contemporary poetry that comes from a feminine perspective. The poetry is not written only by women either. I have two historical poems in volume 2 (and one in the first volume): A Lizzie Borden poem and one about European women in 1533. $3 for kindle version!!! My poems start on pages 90 and 309.

Guess who tries to sleep in the baby’s bassinet when he’s not here? Perry, of course. The baby still ignores the cats. For now.


Filed under #amwriting, #poetrycommunity, #TankaTuesday, #writingcommunity, Arizona, Flora, Garden, and Landscape, Poetry, Poetry book, Poetry Collection, Syllabic Poetry, Writing, Writing prompt

42 responses to “Imayo for Rikka: #TankaTuesday

  1. Amy

    Just lovely—the poem and the photos. And congratulations on getting published—AGAIN!

  2. Nice poems and great photos. Cactus flowers are very pretty!

    • Thanks, Kate! I think that contrast of the delicate blossoms against the spiny backdrops is so special, plus they don’t last one. Those pink flowers close up at night and then open again the next day, but not for long.

  3. Fabulous imayo, Luanne! I love seeing the photos of the cactus and brilliant blue sky! We have thunderstorms rolling though this afternoon. 💜

  4. In a perfect world, it would never get too hot or too cold or too wet or too dry, and we would all have Luanne’s lovely poetry to read.

  5. hahahaha…baby will fall in love with the cats…as for Perry falling in love with baby?? hm…

  6. Congratulations on your inclusion in the anthology, Luanne!

  7. Stunning poem and images, and congratulations on the book!

  8. What a fabulous Imayo and it complements the lovely images. I like the cover of that poetry book. Congratulations for being a part of the anthology.

  9. That bird’s nest is a surprise. Congratulations on the poem and the book

  10. I love my Palo Verde not the detritus it leaves once it’s done blooming, but the yellow on green is beautiful.

  11. Marie A Bailey

    Congratulations on the publication! I love the Imayo, a form I’m not familiar with but that’s no surprise 😉

  12. This must be a sweet spot time of year for you. Both for the lovely plant life and weather, ands for all the poems and flash you’re getting published. Enjoy!

  13. Gwen M. Plano

    Congratulations, Luanne! Bravo! And your post is beautiful. I love your photos and your poem. 🌞

  14. Congratulations, Luanne. Lovely photographs and poem. Enjoy the sunshine. 🙂

  15. Congrats. Your photo and poem are a delight.

  16. Gorgeous desert cacti. I think the saguaro is seeking bliss – the joy of sun-bathing on a perfect summer day. Congratulations on all your publications. Lizzie Gordon, what a grisly story. It’s interesting how you focused on her demeanor.

  17. A lovely spring post Luanne.

  18. Luanne, good to see you at TT. You’ve been missed. Love the imayo and accompanying pictures. I read the excerpts and who can pass up the $3 price!? Just ordered. As I read them, I thought of the movie, “The Last Duel” (2021) and countless other tellings of dastardly acts at the hands of men and the backlash when one fights back against them.

  19. Luanne, let me know if my other comment doesn’t show up.

  20. Luanne, I so very much admire your gift with words. <3

  21. Pingback: Tanka TuesdayJoin Us: #TankaTuesday 短歌 火曜日24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 34, 5/14/24, Part II: The Beginning of Summer, (May 5 – 19) Rikka 立夏

  22. This is lovely Luanne I like your verse and poetry and your news ! Also good luck with the book 💜

  23. Selma Martin

    Your imayo is lovely as are all the photos (the duck in your pool) and all the good news. Congratulations. And that Cat. Made me smile. Thanks for sharing.

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