Have You Read the Poetry of Linda Hogan?

Do you know the work of poet Linda Hogan?  I love her poetry.  With only two days left of National Poetry Month, I thought I’d share one of my favorite poems, written by Hogan.  The poem is from the “Hunger” section of The Book of Medicines. 


by Linda Hogan

There is a place at the center of earth

where one ocean dissolves inside the other

in a black and holy love;

It’s why the whales of one sea

know songs of the other,

why one things becomes something else

and sand falls down the hourglass

into another time.

Once I saw a fetal whale

on a black of shining ice.

Not yet whale, it still wore the shadow

of a human face, and fingers that had grown before the taking

back and turning into fin.

It was a child from the curving world of water turned square,

cold, small.

Sometimes the longing in me

comes from when I remember

the terrain of crossed beginnings

when whales lived on land

and we stepped out of water

to enter our lives in air.

Sometimes it’s from the spilled cup of a child

who passed through all the elements

into the human fold,

but when I turned him over

I saw that he did not want to live

in air.  He’d barely lost

the trace of gill slits

and already he was a member of the clan of crossings.

Like tides of water,

he wanted to turn back.

I spoke across elements

as he was leaving

and told him, Go.

I was like the wild horses

that night when fog lifted.

They were swimming across the river.

Dark was that water,

darker still the horses,

and then they were gone.


Poetry Prompt:

Write about the origins of life as you believe, imagine, or create them.  Don’t use Biblical language.  Find a fresh way to describe the beginning.

Here is Hogan reading from “The History of Red”:


Filed under Poetry, Writing prompt

13 responses to “Have You Read the Poetry of Linda Hogan?

  1. A beautiful and scary poem….

  2. Beautiful Poem……Jill

  3. Power is the only book of hers I’ve read- a beautiful book. I didn’t know she also wrote poetry. Thanks for the recommendations, I’ve ordered both The Book of Medicines and Red Clay and can’t wait to dive in.

    • lucewriter

      Gwendolyn, I’m thrilled to hear that! Her poetry is so so lovely. It’s exciting that you’re going to be “diving in” to both books!

  4. Pingback: Next to Last Day of April’s Poetry Challenge | Two Voices, One Song

  5. wonderful imagery, a moving moment in time…words that rouse old memories and ancient pain…

  6. I have never read her work before. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  7. caryn

    Her work speaks to me like no other. The poem Crossings is a prayer, a meditation and a way of reaching back and forward to times that can only be felt, for me, at the deepest and most intuitional levels. Thank you for posting this moving poem.

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