Doll God Makes an Appearance on AZTV

I’m still trying to crank out a revision for Stanford, but I thought I’d give you a snicker of enjoyment today. I want to remind you that the night before my TV interview I did not sleep AT ALL. Therefore, I don’t feel I should be responsible for the baggy, wrinkled state of affairs in this video. I’ll be back Monday!


castle promotional cover



Filed under Arizona, Book promotion, Doll God, Dolls, Interview, poems about dolls, Poetry, Poetry book, Poetry Collection, Publishing, Vintage American culture

48 responses to “Doll God Makes an Appearance on AZTV

  1. So very cool, Luanne! Congrats!

    • Thanks, Michelle. My only regret is that I didn’t sleep the night before because of the hotel situation. But that’s because my daughter edited out my extra UMs ;).

  2. I think you look quite pretty! And it’s nice to hear your voice — it’s exactly what I expected, especially the laugh 🙂

  3. Congratulations–articulate and poised.

  4. YEEHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

  5. You looked awesome, Luanne! Great job…and no red neck! Woot Woot!

    • At the last minute I decided to wear my necklace instead of my scarf. It was a bold move. If you look carefully, you will see that my neck was flaming red, but what hubby said is that because of the lighting it “makes you look more like you have a tan.” hahaha, nope, it’s the rash.

      • Yes, bold indeed. I don’t think anyone would notice…maybe I shouldn’t have brought it up. 🙂 It does look like a tan.

        • LOL. It is what it is. I’m so glad the lighting does that. I had the scarf on, but it made me look too much like this little head was popping up out of a mountain of fabric.

  6. Awesome, Luanne! So proud. You sounded great. xo

  7. Yay!!! Congratulations Luanne! ..and nice to meet you via the interview. I am so happy for you Luanne! (((Big Hug)))Take a bowel…

    • Andy, did you mean bow?! Hahaha. Thank you for the Big Hug! I was so glad to get it over with–and have it not feel like an absolute disaster :)!

  8. This is just too cool. I haven’t read it yet, but I need to do that soon.

  9. What a fantastic interview! You were steady and calm and really explained your themes well. Great job.

  10. That’s was terrific! I wish I could see you on TV every day!

  11. You did a great job! Congratulations.

  12. I’m so thrilled for you, Luanne, and I wish we were closer so you could read my book of poems to me (not to mention autograph it) 😆. I understand much more about your purpose in writing these poems and it helped th hear your voice. I thought you looked fabulous and I would never have guessed Sleepless in Rashville. Congrats and big hugs 💞

    • Oh, that would be fun. I’d love to do a poetry reading by you ;)! Sleepless in Rashville. LOL. How well put!!!! I had every intention of wearing my scarf, but it would have made me look like a turtle on screen. xo

      • Now I have to cue Carly Simon singing “You’re So Vain”. The many ways we make ourselves anxious and self-conscious when we should be celebrating our achievements!! I loved your interview 🎀

  13. The Morning Scramble shows a poised, articulate and intelligent author, You! I am so proud to be one of the bloggers who knows you and hope everything will always be this way, as I feel you are one of my friends, Luanne. Excellent interview responses.

    • Robin, thanks so much, dear! I’m so glad that hurdle is over and that it went reasonably well!!!! xoxo

      • We are all our own ‘worst critics,’ Luanne! I know practice will make you more perfect but you were very interesting and well spoken. This was great and hope you will let us see or hear other future interviews, Luanne. Hugs, Robin

  14. Look at you! This is great! How did you ever manage to get a book of poetry featured on television? This has to be some sort of miracle. Very nice interview.

  15. Well-earned wrinkles are a happy badge of your hard work. Congratulations.

    • Viv, that’s really a nice way to put it! I’ll accept them all except that one big fold next to the left eye that I insist is not usually there and is from lack of sleep ;). But it’s probably a warning of a new one planning to stick around. Thank you so much for the congrats!!!

  16. Oh Luanne, this is amazing! And you look wonderful, you are so professional and I love hearing your voice and the way you explain Doll God and what it means to you. I feel as if I know you better, thank you so much for sharing this. See you soon 🙂 xoxo

    • Sherri, that is really cool to hear that an interview brings me closer to you all. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a blog tour where we all put ourselves on video and are interviewed :)? Tag, you’re it. xo

  17. Luanne, I was glad to hear you describe the title. I was curious about that. I particularly liked that you said the doll is the portal into the human heart.
    A smart, insightful interview! 🙂

    • Carol, thank you for that nice compliment! My daughter took notes when she first saw the interview and that was one of the phrases she wrote down that meant a lot to her.

  18. What a treat! I loved hearing you talk about your poems, but more so loved hearing you read one. The interview was very good. You seemed very comfortable with yourself, poised and articulate. I would have never known that you didn’t sleep at all the night before 😉

    • Marie, I’m glad you enjoyed the reading. That’s one thing that I haven’t been able to line up is readings. I am not part of a big in person writing community or campus, and I’m not a poetry jam person, so I haven’t really had the opportunity to read many of these poems aloud.
      Thanks so much!!

      • That’s too bad because poetry always seems best when it is read out loud. I really like hearing the pauses and emphasis from the poet. When I took a Dickinson class, each student had to read a poem of hers out loud. I was often surprised by how different the poems sounded compared to how I read them to myself. I was told that there really wasn’t no right or wrong way to recite poetry, but still, reciting adds a whole other layer. Hope you are well. I know you’ve been tied up with finishing your memoir for your course, and no doubt you’re thinking about your dad too. xoxo

  19. That was wonderful! You were so poised and lovely and articulate. What a treat to see and hear you, and hear more about your poetry and what inspired you.

  20. Congrats, Luanne – nice interview! It was fun to get to (or so it seemed) officially meet you! Of course, you may not recognize me!

  21. How exciting Luanne, you did a great interview, it was great to hear you reading one of your poems and explaining more about the inspiration for Doll God.

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